-What is your shop name and URL?
My shop name is MonkeyTree Creations
The URL is http://www.monkeytreecreations.etsy.com/
-Tell me two (or more!) interesting things about you. (Hobbies, achievements, favorite something-or-other, family situation, jobs, etc)
I am a working mama with an amazing husband, two silly puppies and a sweet little boy. I’ve been crafting since I can remember, and am passionate about anything crafty.
-What do you sell in your Etsy shop?
Mostly herbal items, but occasionally, I’ll list a baby or bride related project that I really liked, or a set of greeting cards.
-To which Etsy Street Teams do you belong (if any)?
I am a member of the Spotted Box street team.
-What inspires your creations?
My family inspires my creations. Everything in my shop was blended based on a need my family had. My skin care tea bath was blended because the little guy had a horrible chin rash from teething drool and my stress balm was blended to help me transition back to work.
-Tell me a bit about your creative process and/or how you learned to do what you do.
I credit my mom with my love of all things crafty, as she always had something hands on for us to do. I’ve been paper and fabric crafting since I was very small. I have been interested in herbs for a very long time, and began learning in a direct way, early in my pregnancy. I am finding that the more I learn, the more I want to know and am hoping to do a full herbal apprenticeship this spring and summer!
-What is your favorite item in your shop (currently for sale or previously sold)?
When I went back to work, I was pretty anxious and really stressed. One of my friends recommended wearing some St. John’s Wort infused oil, which I did for a few days. I found that it really helped to calm me down, but it smelled awful! So I headed off to the kitchen and blended up the mixture that is currently available. I love it! I wear it to work instead of perfume every day. A few of my co-workers have started wearing it too!
-What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
Passionate, crafty, busy
-What do you like about Etsy?
I am hooked on treasuries right now~ I think it’s a great way to find sellers that I wouldn’t have found on my own.

-What makes your shop unique?
The passion I have for my craft is really reflected in what I make. I exclusively use high quality ingredients and supplies and certified organic herbs. I feel that this yields a better product that you can feel good about using on yourself or your baby.
-What advice do you have for other folks selling or buying on Etsy?
Don’t be shy about reaching out and “talking” to people by convo or by using the custom or alchemy feature.
-Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations (please include a link)?
I have a craft blog that I try to update weekly. I’m planning to do some giveaways in the month of April, so please drop by! http://www.monkeytreecreations.blogspot.com/

Now more about the giveaway:
1. Giveaway will be open for comments for one week and will close at 12am on Friday, March 6th. Winner will be drawn by random number generator on the morning of Friday, March 6th.
2.You can earn 1 entry in the giveaway by visiting http://www.monkeytreecreations.etsy.com/ then coming back here and telling us your favorite item in the shop.
3. You can earn additional entries by: following my blog; posting/ linking back to my blog through Twitter, your own blog, or another social networking site (please post the link to the post in your comments); or ordering from monkeytreecreations. Please post a new comment for each new entry you qualify for.
Traci, I have pictures of the banner that I'd like to email to you. I tried doing it on etsy and it yelled at me for the pictures being too big. Could you email me your email address? My email is on my blog, just send it there and I'll send you the pictures tomorrow morning! THANKS AGAIN! Jill
Baby Monkey Bottom Salve Organic sounds interesting =)
katch05 at gmail dot com
The sleepytime bath tea sounds wonderful http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?ref=vl_other_2&listing_id=21360388
I would be more inclined to enjoy it in my bath than to drink it - I like black tea as a beverage.
I have three little ones with eczema and think we will give the Skin Care Bath Tea a try and I may just have to add a Stress Balm, too ( what Mommy DOESN'T need it?!)
Dagny's Promise
Wow, my favorite is the stress balm. Seriously, who doesn't need that? But if I can't choose that, I'd pick the Baby Monkey Organic Ouchie Balm. I love that everything's organic!
I'm a follower!
I love all your friday etsy sellers ^_^
Great giveaway! The stress balm would be super useful! I also like the Sleepy Sleepy Drinking Tea Organic. Thanks for entering me!
I love Teething Bath Tea Organic!!!
come chekc out my blog for two giveaways!!
Great interview! The herbal stress balm sounds right up my alley.
Off to twitter the giveaway! :)
The Skin Care Bath Tea Organic looks really interesting.
lesjoujou AT gmail DOT com
Actually, the stress balm sounds just about perfect. Though the sleepy drinking tea also sounds very nice.
I'd love the Herbal Stress Balm Organic
I would love to try the stress balm. It sounds wonderful!!!!
I would love to try out the Baby Monkey Organic Ouchie Balm. Sounds soothing!
The stress balm is right up my alley.
I Love your balm photos! The herb and flowers are just GORGEOUS!
I'm following you blog : )
The Cold Helper sounds nice right now, especially my brother's sick right now and because he's my brother, I'm sure he's trying to get me sick as well. The Stress balm sounds interesting as well.
I would like to try this tea: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=21360388
Great give away!!
Baby Monkey Bottom Salve Organic is my favorite!
The Baby Monkey Bottom Salve Organic- diaper bag size sounds like a cool product to try.
Skin Care Bath Tea Organic-i love bath products.
flyergal82 AT yahoo DOT com
I would love the lavender dryer bags. I have some lavender inserts for my drawers, but the dryer bags probably give a much stronger scent!
urchiken at gmail dot com
I blogged about the giveaway.
flyergal82 AT yahoo DOT com
the lavender dryer bags sound really nice con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
Baby Monkey Organic Ouchie Balm - diaper bag size are my favourite! Thanks!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
i love the Bath tea sampler organic.
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
My favorite item is the Lavender Dryer Bags Organic :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I'm following you on Blogger :)
I Tweeted the giveaway :
The Baby Monkey Bottom Salve sounds great!
I like Skin Care Bath Tea Organic.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
The Skin Care Bath Tea Organic Sounds heavenly.
Not sure if this counts but I did a wonderful trade with Monkey Tree Creations for my felt play food. I was lucky enough to receive a beautiful decorated tin box. I use it on my desk to keep all my slaes slips. Functional and beautiful!
Love the Baby Monkey Bottom Salve!
jesus_iscomin AT yahoo DOT com
My7kids Yarn Boutique
HeartFeltFun Accessory Boutique
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