Monday, November 23, 2009

New Ecofriendly Shop Item!

I recently went to an event in Columbus that had items that companies were donating to keep them from being thrown into landfills. Artists, teachers, others were invited to come and rummage through the items to take what they could use. I find many ceramic tiles in various colors, as well as smaller ceramic tiles that were of excellent quality and perfect for magnets!

Voila--new magnets for my shop using these tiles saved from the landfill and scrap paper! I love how they turned out and will be listing them in my shop soon. For the December "green" theme in the Etsy Columbus variety boxes, I packaged them in small 3x3 envelopes made from recycled papers in the DCWV Green Stack.

Let me know your thoughts. Want to see more magnet sets in my shop?

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