Monday, June 8, 2009

New Changes Ahead...

Well to start off, I've been having ongoing wrist pain in my right wrist for about 6 months now. I just ice it and ignore it for the most part but decided to go to the dr. today. They're pretty certain that it's carpal tunnel sydrome, so I've been referred on to Ortho Neuro to deal w/ the numbness in my fingers. Of course, I'm right-handed and need the use of my wrist all day w/ a toddler, but I've been prescribed a splint to wear to bed each night to isolate my wrist and give it time to rest.

Now for the new changes ahead...
I plan to go through my Etsy shop and remove any items that are causing me pain. There are only a few that really require a lot of wrist movement (such as hang tags, etc.), but I'm going to have to take a break from some of these items for awhile to see if I notice any improvement. Hopefully if I just focus on my coasters, banners, and a few of the other easier items, then this pain will ease up some. Thank you for patience and understanding while I work through this!


Karin Schueller said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry, that is just not fair. :( Hope it feels better soon!!!

tscrapper said...

Me, too. I'm hoping it's just tendonitis.


abi said...

I hope that you are feeling better!

Quilted Memories said...

Sorry to hear it...but just think, this is your opportunity to find a new way to do something different. It's your body's way of telling you to do something different...My hard one is T-shirt quilts, but I don't think I'm giving up on them too soon, just restricting the size. That full-size one about killed me! Sympathy from the South ;o)