Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Meet and Greet--Introducing Me!

I know that some of you have been a follower of this blog for awhile, but I'd like to reintroduce myself. My name is Traci, and I am a former elementary school teacher turned stay-at-home Mommy to an energetic little 4 1/2 year old girl. My life revolves around raising our daughter, working on my online shops at Etsy and Artfire, and keeping our household running smoothly. After staying at home for the last 4 years, I've learned a tremendous amount about myself, including running a part-time business while parenting and how I want to raise our daughter. All of this has evolved over the last few years and continues to grow and change. Welcome to my the inside look at my journey as a wife, mom, creative business owner, part-time homeschooling family, and more.

Here's where I'm at currently--
Personal--trying to keep our house organized, finding daily routines that work for my family (the little one and myself during the day), finishing teaching recertification classes before Sept. 1st
Business--updating my shops, developing new party items and a more cohesive line
Mom--teaching my daughter to read, looking for reading/ math/ and science homeschooling activities for preschoolers. My daughter attends a cooperative preschool during the school year and will attend 3 half days this fall. My homeschooling is in addition to her learning there.

Questions? I'm sure I forgot to mention several things, but I hope you enjoyed getting to know me. More to come in the future...

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