Meet Mary of Sun2Create! She has beautiful pillow covers and more and is on my list of shops to visit if and when we ever move and decide to redecorate. I love this shop!

-Tell me two (or more!) interesting things about you. (Hobbies, achievements, favorite something-or-other, family situation, jobs, etc)
-Tell me two (or more!) interesting things about you. (Hobbies, achievements, favorite something-or-other, family situation, jobs, etc)
I love to do all sorts of hobbies involving textiles, primarily sewing, but I also knit and crochet. I have three almost grown kids and a wonderful little grandson who also lives with us.
-What do you sell in your Etsy shop?
I sell throw pillow covers, market tote bags and travel size laundry bags made from colorful, high-quality fabrics. I am about to introduce a line of smaller items such as lunch bags, clutches, pouches and scarves, great items for gifts!
I belong to the Design Style Guide (Interior Design) team, and the Wild, Wise, Witty Grandmamas Team. I also belong to two regional teams, Etsy Mississippi and the SEUS (Southeastern U.S.) Team.

-What inspires your creations?

-What inspires your creations?
I am inspired by color and pattern. Images in nature, such a birds, flowers and foliage are all inspirational to me. I love finding new fabrics with great texture and/or designs.
-Tell me a bit about your creative process and/or how you learned to do what you do.
I started sewing when my kids were small, mainly to save a little money on buying clothes. I gave it up during the busy soccer and cheerleading years, but now I am enjoying it more than ever. I spend a great deal of time searching for unique fabrics. I usually hold onto a fabric for a few days before cutting so I can be sure about what I want to do with it.

-What is your favorite item in your shop (currently for sale or previously sold)?

-What is your favorite item in your shop (currently for sale or previously sold)?
I had fun making the aqua pillow with the upcycled embroidery. The inserted fabric looks like a sari, very unique!
What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
Creative, inquisitive, colorful
-What do you like about Etsy?
I like having a place to showcase my craft. But, my favorite thing about Etsy is the sense of community and helpfulness from other artisans.

-What makes your shop unique?
Probably my selection of unique and interesting fabrics.
What advice do you have for other folks selling or buying on Etsy?
For other sellers, I would say be patient and understand that building a craft business is a process that is not going to be accomplished overnight. Make the best product you can and believe in it. Then, just keep working at it.For buyers, just continue to support artists and crafters by buying handmade whenever possible. It would be nice to communicate to sellers about what you like or dislike about your shopping experience with them so they can improve their business.
-Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations (please include a link)?
Visit my blog at
Thanks so much for featuring my work on your lovely blog!
What a lovely feature and a great shop!
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