What is your shop name and URL?
Debbie Gootter Designs http://www.dgdesigns.etsy.com/
-Tell me two (or more!) interesting things about you. (Hobbies, achievements, favorite something-or-other, family situation, jobs, etc)
Jewelry is my business and my hobby but I also like to paint, cross-stitch and decorate. I am currently working full time in my jewelry business. My favorite color is green although you wouldn't know it by looking at my designs since I use mostly metal and clear stones.
-What do you sell in your Etsy shop?
I sell sterling silver and 14kt gold fill wire wrapped jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings). I sometimes wrap wire over hand formed and hammered frames. I add a little bit of sparkle with the sparing use of gemstones and Swarovski crystal.
-To which Etsy Street Teams do you belong (if any)? None
-What inspires your creations?
I am inspired by modern design- circles- symmetry- textures and the different ways that I can play various colors and finishes of metal off of each other. I am inspired to be creative with the use of wire and bring it together in a clean, modern, balanced and cohesive design without soldering. I also find inspiration in other jewelry artists.
-Tell me a bit about your creative process and/or how you learned to do what you do.
My process usually starts with a question. What would be perfect with this outfit? How can I make this design better? What if I try this new technique? In an attempt to answer these questions I usually make a rough sketch or I am already working with a piece and decide to immediatly incorporate the new idea. I must have a block of time set aside to get in my "creative zone". I put some of the possible materials in front of me that might work with the design and play with them before I do any cutting or wrapping. Once I have a clear way in which to proceed I choose the stone (if any), cut all the pieces of wire that I need, and hammer any pieces that need to be hammered. I then put the whole thing together. I usually have to alter my original idea in some way or take the whole thing apart and start over. I try not to get frustrated by this part of the process- I know that it is trial and error but I so hate to waste wire! Once the stuff gets wrapped and worked it becomes hard and brittle and usually can't be used again.
-What is your favorite item in your shop (currently for sale or previously sold)?
Right now the tangle necklace is my favorite. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=16312653

-Why is it your favorite? (Please provide a link)
It embodies what I am trying to create in my jewelry- casual elegance - and it incorporates gold, shiny silver and oxidized silver.
-What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
Funny- obessive/compulsive- creative
-What do you like about Etsy?
I don't sell alot of jewelry on Etsy because it has just gotten so big! One thing that I do like about it is that there is a great sense of community there. Etsy has become the nucleus of the crafting and arts community. Nearly all people that I connect with in the arts and crafts world outside of Etsy have a shop on Etsy. The forums are more alive there than any other forum that I have found on the internet. This allows you to interact, get help and be of help in real time.
-What makes your shop unique?
My shop is unique because I focus on wire wrapped and hammered jewelry in mixed metals- it's like a niche inside of a niche.

-What advice do you have for other folks selling or buying on Etsy?
My advice is to set up your shop and take advantage of Etsy resources and community. Many successful Etsians promote their shops outside of Etsy- through Flickr, Facebook, MySpace, blogs, giveaways, advertising and being active in other craft and business communities. I actually had a girl who I met in the forums convo me and ask me "How do people sell stuff on this site?" I replied with the same answer that I gave you above which is essentially, that you have to bring in your own business. You also have to love what you do- if you are looking to throw some stuff together and put it on Etsy in the hopes of making a quick buck the statistics are against you- there is alot of work that goes into it before you see results.
-Where else can we find out more about you and/or your creations (please include a link)?
Blog- http://www.debbiegootterdesigns.blogspot.com/ there you can find my links to Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Twitter, IndiePublic, Talent Database and LinkedIn- I love new friends and followers! I am also setting up my own website http://www.debbiegootterdesigns.com/
That was a great feature!! Her work is just gorgeous...especially that tangle necklace!! I look forward to seeing more of your features!
I always love Debbie Gooter's stuff!
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